Welcome to ISKF Europa

This is the European website of the International Shotokan Karate Federation.

On this page you will find information about important events, courses and competitions of the ISKF that take place in Europe.


You will find here links to the European Federations of the ISKF and much more.

About ISKF

The ISKF is a traditional Shotokan Karate organization, founded by Master Teruyuki Okazaki, who studied directly under Master Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of Shotokan Karate. The ISKF is a non-profit organization that strives to uphold the integrity and goals of Master Funakoshi, which includes following the guidelines and principles set forth by the Dojo Kun and Niju Kun.


The ISKF is rich in tradition, but continuously moves forward to bring all countries together to follow these same guidelines. It is our sincere hope that this website be used as a guide to help in this endeavor.


The ISKF welcomes Shotokan organizations from all countries to join the International Shotokan Karate Federation. Please direct any inquiries for membership to iskf@iskf.com or call our headquarters directly at:
