SENSEI Michael Bock 7° Dan

Michael Bock-Sensei is holder of the 7. Dan (Karate), 6. Dan (Ju-Jitsu) and 6. Dan (Judo). He is a Student of Sensei Teruyuki Okazaki (10. Dan). In his long career as Karateka he had many important sensei like sensei Hidetaka Nishiyama (9. Dan), Soke Prof. Dr. Ilija Jorga (10. Dan) and Wladimir Jorga (9. Dan).

He is instructor and president of the Deutschen Traditionellen Shotokan Karate Föderation (DTSKF)



Sport curriculum of Sensei Michael Bock 7° DAN ISKF Chief Instructor of DTSKF and Technical Director

1968 Beginning of Judo at Dynamo Lichtenberg


1978 Beginning of Karate Training with Sensei Axel Dziersk


1984 Karate Training with Wilfried Achilles


1989 Student of Sensei Dr. Ilija Jorga


1991 Sho Dan exam taken by Sensei Dr. Ilija Jorga


1992 Ni Dan exam taken by Sensei Dr. Ilija Jorga


1995 San Dan exam by Sensei Dr. Ilija Jorga


1998 19. EM - Seniors Italy / Caole (Venice), Start in Enbu and single Kata and Kata Team, Enbu - 7 place.


1998 INTERNATIONAL TEAM CUP in Vilshofen (Bayern), Start in Kata Team, Kata Team 1. Place


1999 Yon Dan exam taken by Sensei Dr. Ilija Jorga and reciving of the title Renshi


1999 7. European Championship Fudokan in Czechien/ Tanvald, 3. Place in Kata Team, 3. Place in Kumite Team, 4. Place in En-bu Mix, 4. Place in Enbu Man/Man


1999 German Championship in Bayern / Pfarrkirchen, 2. Place in Enbu, 1. Place in Kata Team, 3. Place Kata dingle 1999, 20. European Championship of the ETKF in Poland / Warshaw, 4. Place in Enbu Man/Man


2000 8. Fudokan - European Championship in Czechi/ Prag, 4. Place in Kata Team, 3. Place Enbu MIX, 4. Place Enbu Man/Man


2000 German Championship of the TKUD in Berlin, 2. Place in Kata single, 1. Place in Kata Team, 1. Place und 2. Place in Enbu


2000, German Championship of Martial Arts" Fight to Fight " in Halle, 1. Place in Kata single


2000 21. European Championship of the ETKF in Ukraine / Kiew, 5. Place in Enbu Man/Man


2000 Instructor Meeting in USA / Californien / San-Diego with Sensei Nishiyama, recivement of the internationalen Tranee license and the international Judge licence in Kata and Kumite B


2000 10. World Championship in Italy/ Bologna, 7. Place in Enbu Man/Man


2002 Go Dan awarded from Sensei Dr. Ilija Jorga (9. Dan)


2006 Roku Dan awarded from Sensei Dr. Ilija Jorga (9. Dan)


2010 Student of Okazaki-Sensei (10. Dan), Member of ISKF


2013 Nana shichi Dan awarded from Sensei Okazaki (10.Dan)